Alberta school authorities have been given the option to pilot three updated draft kindergarten to Grade 6 (K-6) subjects beginning this fall.
In September, classrooms will be able to pilot an updated draft K-6 curriculum for Science, French First Language and Literature, and French Immersion Language Arts and Literature.
Annalee Nutter, Superintendent at Fort McMurray Public School Division (FMPSD) says that they are surveying staff for interest regarding the pilot program.
“The College of Alberta Superintendents of Schools met Wednesday with Ministry to discuss what the roll out of a pilot program looks like by way of support for staff, the timelines and resources,” says Nutter.
Superintendent Nutter explained that they are already going to be rolling out two new subject areas of the new curriculum for K-3, and one for K-6.
“Piloting of Science in K-6 would mean another subject where we are already rolling out (a) new curriculum,” Nutter said.
She explained that they want to hear from staff regarding what they’re feeling before making any decisions.
“We often get feedback from teachers, leaders and then use the feedback to make a decision. In this case, we will follow that process.”
FMPSD sent out a letter on March 24 to Education Minister Adriana LaGrange stating some of the concerns they had with the implementation of a new curriculum.
The letter requested that the Minister “delay, entirely, the implementation of the new draft curriculum” to allow schools more time to regroup following the challenging past two years.
School authorities are expected to have their intent identified by June 6, with how many teachers will be involved, the subjects, and grade levels for the pilot.