Masks Now Mandatory Inside Casman Centre

People looking to go to the Casman Centre must now wear a mask.

The building’s administration, along with the Fort McMurray Oil Barons organization, announced the new measure on Wednesday to ensure the safety of everyone who enters the arena.

Designated entrances and exits are now set up, while additional signage, tape on seats, and barricades have also been put across the building.

“We’re taking the safety of our staff and patrons very seriously and we expect everyone’s compliance with these important safety measures,” read a statement from the Casman Administration and Oil Barons.

Anyone caught moving the barricades or tape will be removed from the building.

The Alberta Junior Hockey League has suspended the start of the 2020-21 season due to COVID-19, however, the MOB are expected to take part in a development camp at the arena starting on August 31.

Meanwhile, the Casman isn’t the only building with a mandatory mask rule.

People shopping at the downtown Walmart must wear a mask, while all schools are requiring staff and students in grades 4-12 to where one in all common areas. This includes on buses, hallways, and classrooms if social distancing isn’t possible.

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