
Alberta to close Energy War Room

Alberta to close Energy War Room

Jun 12, 2024 | 5:32am
The province is shutting down Canadian Energy Centre Ltd. (CEC), also known as the “Energy War Room.” The multi-billion-dollar agency was established by the UCP government under former Premier Jason Kenney to advocate for the Canadian, particularly the Alberta, energy sector. Since its inception in 2019, the Energy War Room has faced significant criticism and […]
Federal government injecting over $1 billion in funding for Alberta healthcare

Federal government injecting over $1 billion in funding for Alberta healthcare

Dec 21, 2023 | 6:17pm
The Federal Government is handing out $1.06 billion for healthcare in Alberta. The money is intended to help stabilize Alberta’s primary care over the next three years. At a joint news conference in Calgary, Federal Health Minister Mark Holland Joined Alberta’s Minister of Health, Adriana LaGrange to announce the bilateral agreement. The feds say the […]
Province launches online healthcare survey

Province launches online healthcare survey

Nov 21, 2023 | 6:21pm
The province is launching an online survey on healthcare in Alberta. The Government of Alberta is continuing to reshape healthcare delivery, and they are reaching out to stakeholders to gather deeper insights into the challenges, obstacles, and successes experienced by both healthcare staff and Albertans within the current healthcare system. “Input from health care professionals, […]