An article from Consequence from last year (read here) reveals that, at least in the US, about half of people who buy vinyl records don’t actually own a record player. First reaction is: who cares? People can buy and collect pretty much whatever they feel like, and likewise support artists they like however they wish.
But they are missing out, I think. I have a modest collection of records, new purchases have ramped up over the last couple of years, and I too didn’t *really* have a record player. For the longest time we only had a small portable suitcase-style player that worked.. but didn’t produce anything close to the desired sound. This year I was gifted a brand new player and it has been in use just about daily since. Some may buy vinyl records never intending to remove the plastic sleeve – let alone play them through. Let them. But if, like me, you’ve been itching to actually get your various records spinning, it might be time to level up.
Record Store Day Canada 2024 is coming April 20th with an incredible list of new drops, special editions, and re-releases. Stay tuned for more as we get closer.