Showing off Wood Buffalo in this year’s Communities in Bloom

Wood Buffalo will soon be pitted against other municipalities of similar size in an international battle of beauty.

The 28th Edition of Communities in Bloom will see the region compete in the International Challenge Medium/Large category against:

  • Oudenaarde Belgium
  • Stratford On Canada
  • Alba Cuneo Italy
  • Leduc AB Canada

Communities will be rated from 1 to 5 Blooms, based on the following six categories:

  • Community appearance
  • Environmental actions
  • Heritage conservation
  • Tree management
  • Landscape areas
  • Plant and floral displays

Helen Meyer, Wood Buffalo Communities in Bloom committee chair, commented that they wish to focus on the region as a whole and to celebrate all that Wood Buffalo has to offer.

Communities in Bloom judges, Bob Ivison from Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire United Kingdom, and Tina Liu from Ottawa, Ontario Canada will be evaluating the region beginning August 21.

On Sunday, judges will begin their journey through the region with a toured flight to Fort Chipewyan with McMurray Aviation.

Day two will see them meeting up with Mayor Sandy Bowman and councillors for a tour of Fort McMurray’s beautiful parks and facilities.

The afternoon will include a tour with the heritage society and a discussion of the municipality’s heritage plan.

On the final day, judges will focus on the area’s green initiatives and beautification programs followed by an appreciation event for volunteers.

National and International results will be announced in Victoria, BC from Oct. 20-23, during the National Symposium on Parks & Grounds and the National & International Awards celebrating “Year of the Garden”.

Meyers confirmed that Fort McMurray has the honour of hosting the Symposium in Sept. of next year which will see over 200 delegates attend.


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