Applications are now open for a new pilot grant in the RMWB.
The 2022 Arts, Culture, and Heritage Pilot Grant will help achieve the priorities of the Wood Buffalo Culture Plan.
Those interested can apply as an individual or group, for a maximum of $5,000 for eligible arts, culture, and heritage-related projects through the Community Investment Program (CIP) Grant Portal.
Arts, culture, and heritage projects can include but are not limited to (full detailed description found here):
- Environmental Arts: architecture, urban design, landscape design, environmental installations
- Heritage Arts: protection, restoration, display, and interpretation of heritage archives and materials, artifacts, archeological and heritage sites
- Literary Arts: storytelling, creative writing, prose, poetry
- Media Arts: film/video, photography, sound recording, multimedia, publishing
- Multicultural Arts: ethnic celebrations, festivals, fairs, ethnic-specific performing, visual, literary, craft, folk tales, culinary traditions
- Performing Arts: drama, music, dance, choral, theatre, opera, comedic, puppetry, mime, performance art
- Visual Arts: painting, drawing, calligraphy, fiber arts, ceramic arts, mosaics, sculpture, craft, woodworking, metal work, printmaking
The deadline for applications is December 31, 2022, at 4:30 p.m. MST or until the total $50,000 funding is exhausted.
The grant will be awarded in order of completed applications received.
The Wood Buffalo Culture Plan is a collaboration with the Community Advisory Committee that outlines a vision for arts and heritage, priorities, and strategies to support decision-making and resource allocation to maintain a vibrant, sustainable community, and quality of life for current and future residents.