Local Fort McMurray canine celebrity Greb, also known as the dog in the sidecar and his owner Sandy MacDonald, were honoured on Nov. 17, by the Edmonton Christmas Bureau.
Locals may remember Grebs predecessor Winky, who for ten years rode alongside his owner MacDonald on his motorcycle over 96,000 kilometres across North America raising money for charity.
The Bureau donated $5,000 on behalf of the General President’s Maintenance Committee for Canada (GPMC) and the GPMC Charity Committee also donated $10,000 to a charity of Grebs choice which they stated, had to go to his Cause for Paws at the Fort McMurray SPCA in Winkys Legacy.
On Grebs Facebook page called Winky rides/Greb glides, they commented that not only did they receive the cheque, but Canadian hockey coach Kevin Lowe also presented them with a signed Conor McDavid Jersey.