RRC Looking For Artists To Help Replace Damaged Fox Sculptures Along MacDonald Island Trail

You’re getting a chance to take part in a local art project.

The Regional Recreation Corporation of Wood Buffalo is looking for individuals to submit proposals to create art on fibreglass fox sculptures.

They will replace the previous statues on the TOTAL Aboriginal Interpretive Trail at MacDonald Island Park which were damaged in last year’s flood.

“The Miquwahkesis Project has brought tremendous joy to visitors to the Island since 2016, and we are excited to see new designs join the foxes that currently line the trail to delight our visitors and guests,” said Ana Maria Mendez, RRC Manager of Recreation and Culture.

The 28 fox sculptures had been set up along the trail since 2016.

They were cast for painting by local artists and school children and installed to celebrate and memorialize the red fox which are commonly found on MacDonald Island.

Artists can propose a budget of up to $1,500.

The deadline to submit a proposal is September 10.

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