Albertans are being reminded to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
That message is coming from Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, who spoke on Thursday about how the vaccines are helping case numbers and serious outcomes drop.
So far, nearly 65 per cent of eligible Albertans have gotten at least one shot.
Since January 1, around 96 per cent of individuals who’ve contracted the virus were either unvaccinated or got infected within two weeks of getting their shot.
Roughly 0.2 per cent of those who’ve received a vaccine and weren’t infected in the next couple of weeks have tested positive.
“This shows you the power of vaccines at preventing infection,” said Dr. Hinshaw.
They’ve also played a big part in preventing serious outcomes.
Around 93 per cent of those who needed to be treated at the hospital were not vaccinated or got infected within two weeks of getting their shot.
Dr. Hinshaw adds 88 per cent of deaths since the start of the year have also fallen under this category.
“They save lives and they are our path out of this pandemic.”
As for the vaccines themselves, Moderna has shown to be the most effective.
According to Alberta Health, one dose has proven to be effective in approximately 82 per cent of cases, while two doses is around 93 per cent.
Pfizer currently sits as 73 per cent effective after the first shot and 90 per cent after the second.
There’s currently no data on AstraZeneca as there’s not enough data in the province.
“No vaccine or treatment for any condition is ever perfect, these vaccines work better than we could have expected,” noted Dr. Hinshaw.
Meanwhile, those born in 2009 or earlier can book an appointment at MacDonald Island Park or at participating healthcare facilities to get their first vaccine, while those who got the shot in March or earlier can now book a time to get their second.