RMWB Covering Costs To Raise Ptarmigan Court Properties

The municipality will be covering the costs to raise properties in Ptarmigan Court.

Wood Buffalo council met on Tuesday where they unanimously approved paying the cost for contractors to lift structures to protect them from future flooding.

Early estimates put the costs between $21,000 and $38,000 for each property.

“We know Ptarmigan can’t be protected the same way as other parts of our region, just because of the way it’s situated, but we do need to take steps to protect them,” said Mayor Don Scott.

So far, two property owners have expressed interest in raising their property.

Back in March, the municipality announced they were processing 38 buyouts.

Twenty properties have not decided whether they would like a buyout, stay at status quo, or have their structures lifted.

If all undecided owners choose to have their properties raised, it would cost the municipality over $650,000.

‘The buyouts were obviously not favourable enough or would put them in a significant financially compromised situation, so I say let’s get them taken care of and make their lives whole again,” added Councillor Mike Allen.

The RMWB won’t receive any funding from the province for the program. They’ve been told they will only receive funds to help cover the costs of buyouts.

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