The RMWB is looking to spend around one million dollars on a sanitary sewer backwater prevention project.
Wood Buffalo council is set to discuss funding the program on Tuesday when they hold a special meeting around flood mitigation.
During April’s flood, river water entered the sanitary sewer system through manholes which resulted in many properties being damaged.
According to the municipality, most homes in the lower townsite have backwater valves which would help prevent basements from flooding in a similar situation, however, many built in the early 2000s and before don’t.
Through the program, the RMWB would provide property owners with a subsidy of up to $1,500 to install one of these valves.
They would also plan on supporting properties in high-risk areas before allowing individuals in other neighbourhoods to access the funds.
Along with paying for valves, the municipality plans on educating the public on other steps they can take to protect their property and limit the risk of their basement flooding.
None of this is set in stone as council needs to approve this first.
Meanwhile, the municipality will also be providing an update on flood mitigation in the six flood-prone areas.
Back in September, administration was tasked with continuing one-on-one engagement with property owners in Draper, Waterways, and Ptarmigan Court, while moving forward with flood mitigation in downtown, Longboat Landing, and Taiga Nova Eco-Industrial Park.
So far they’ve chatted with 43 per cent of Draper property owners below 251 metres, 52 per cent of Waterways property owners below 251 metres, and 68 per cent of Ptarmigan Court property owners.
Residents can register to speak about the ongoing work by emailing [email protected] their name, phone number, and what they would like to discuss before 3 p.m. on Monday.
The virtual meeting gets underway on Tuesday at 1 p.m.