The province is introducing new measures for communities across Alberta who are experiencing high numbers of COVID-19.
Premier Jason Kenny announced on Friday all communities who hold watch status, which includes the RMWB, have been placed on a mandatory social and family gathering limit of 15 people.
The province is also strongly recommending people within the watch communities to reduce their co-horts to 3, which can include school, work, neighbours and more.
Effective immediately – everyone in Edmonton and Calgary are being asked to stop holding social gatherings at home.
Meanwhile, the interactive data map for Alberta’s COVID 19 information is still experiencing technical difficulties and no specific numbers for the RMWB were released.
However, Dr Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s chief medical officer of health announced 1411 new cases across Alberta over the past two days.
There were also eight new deaths from COVID-19 in Alberta over the past 48 hours – raising the total to 351.
One of the deaths throughout the pandemic was in Fort McMurray.