Mental health supports in the region are getting a boost in funding.
The First Responders Golf Tournament, hosted by the Canadian Mental Health Association of Wood Buffalo and Wood Buffalo RMCP, raised $35,000 over the weekend – $10,000 more than in 2019.
The money will go directly to the CMHA to help them continue offering their programs and services.
The organizations note the need for these supports is as high as ever due to the pandemic, the flood, and increased awareness in mental health issues.
“While the weather wasn’t perfect, there were some sunny breaks, and everyone had a wonderful time,” said Emma Jones, CMHA Wood Buffalo’s Marketing and Community Relations Manager.
“It takes a special person to want to regularly risk their lives to help keep others safe. Recently, we have seen the vital need for mental health services, and I am humbled by how the community showed their support.”
The tournament was hosted on Saturday at the Fort McMurray Golf Club.