The first day of school will be happening over four days for students across Fort McMurray.
The Fort McMurray Catholic School District and Fort McMurray Public School Board announced on Monday a staggered entry to ensure schools are less packed during the first week.
The first day for grades 1 and 7 will take place on August 31.
Grades 2, 8, and 9 will return on September 1.
September 2 will see grades 3, 4, 10, and 11.
Grades 5, 6, and 12 will start on September 3.
Father Turcotte is the only school not expected to open during the first week. They are slated to have their first day on September 8.
There won’t be any changes for kids in kindergarten and early learning programs as, traditionally, they start the year with a staggered approach. Teachers will contact parents about the first day of school by August 27.
In a joint release, the FMCSD and FMPSD say having students in school for just one day for the first week will help them learn the new COVID-19 measures much easier, safer, and quicker.